Being A Good Ancestor

A journey on the path of truth and reconciliation
June 2023 – June 2024

Who we are today is built on the stories, actions, and wisdom of our ancestors. 

In this year-long series of conversations and programs, we will explore and inhabit the  relationships and commitments that we make in our daily lives toward the ongoing work of truth and reconciliation, as in so doing we honour the stories of those who came before us and add to those stories for those who will come after us.

All are warmly welcome to join in conversations and hands-on learning opportunities as we ask ourselves what it means to be a good ancestor. We will welcome and learn from various Indigenous elders and artists over the course of the year, beginning and ending in Indigenous History Month 2023/2024.

Participate in the Series

We are actively scheduling the events in this series. As full details and registration becomes available for each workshop, they will be linked here. Please check back soon for more information.

Practical Ways to be an Accomplice in the Journey of Reconciliation

2 June 2023, 6:00-8:00pm

How do we share the responsibility of the disruptive work of reconciliation? Join in conversation and learning with Rikki Kooy, Racelle Kooy, and Kerry Baisley as we start on our year-long learning journey as we continue to walk the path of truth and reconciliation.

Weaving Cedar Rattles

15 July 2023, 11:00am-4:00pm

Join Haida cedar weaver, Giihlgiigaa (Todd Devries) and learn about the significance of cedar for many Indigenous people, its uses, and the wisdom we can learn from it as you weave your own cedar rattle. Space is limited to 20 participants, be sure to register today!

Beading Workshop – Orange Shirt Pins

23 September 2023, 1:30-4:30pm

The Metis were called “The Flower Beadwork People” by some First Nations People in response to the beautiful work created by the Metis women. Lead by Kerry Baisley, in this workshop we will be introduced to Metis beading and go on to learn different beading techniques as we create a beaded Orange Shirt pin. We will talk about the Residential School experience of Phyllis Webstad and how Orange Shirt Day came into being. This pin can be worn to remind yourself and others of the Children who attended Indian Residential Schools.

Drum Making Workshop

14 October 2023, 11:00am-4:00pm

We honoured to learn from Michael “Sabian” Rawcliffe * who will lead this workshop in drum making. Participants will each make a drum under Sabian’s guidance.

Dream Catcher Workshop

January 13, 2024

Start the new year by making a dream catcher for your home. We are honored to once again learn from Michael “Sabian” Rawcliffe who will lead this workshop. Participants will each make a dream catcher under Sabian’s guidance.

From Wardship to Rights: Exploring the Effects of Colonization

February 22 & 23, March 14 & 16, 2024

A four-part program in February and March as we learn about the history of colonization in our own neighbourhoods. There will be two learning sessions and two field trips as a part of this program.

Concluding Feast

June 14, 2024

Join us for our concluding celebration as we look back over the past year, share stories and food, and look ahead to how each of us will continue this journey of reconciliation. This is a free event, hosted at the Synod Office of the Diocese of New Westminster, and food will be provided.

These workshops and programs are subsidized by the Diocese of New Westminster, St. Faith’s Anglican Church, and St. Hildegard’s Sanctuary. We strive to make each program accessible and affordable for all who wish to participate–any program fees go directly to material costs and honorariums for the artists and elders.