Children & Youth
All children and families are welcome to attend St. Faith’s and participate in our children’s formation programs regardless of denomination. Our doors are open to all and our hope is to teach your children that they are loved by God.
Sunday Mornings
Worship is central to our identity as Christians and as Anglicans, and in a time when families face increasingly busy and hectic schedules, the opportunity to be together as a family and worship together is an important and special one. We want the entirety of our family at St. Faith’s to worship together, from our youngest members to our oldest. In addition, we recognize that for our youngest members, sitting in a pew can be a challenge. To help with that, we have activity bags available filled with books, colouring sheets, and other quiet activities to engage them while they take part in the service.
Children’s Worship
At our 10am service, we welcome children in elementary school to participate in our Children’s Worship program. Children start in the sanctuary with their families and at the Gospel reading, they are invited to join our Children’s Worship leaders in the centre aisle. Following the reading, they will head to the church lounge in the lower level for an age-appropriate equivalent of what we are doing upstairs during the sermon and prayers of the people. Children will engage with the Bible readings they just heard with their parents and have an opportunity to offer their own prayers for family, friends, and the needs in their own lives. Children return to their families in the sanctuary around the time of the Passing of the Peace in order to participate with all of us in the Eucharist.
If parent’s are interested in seeing what their children are experiencing during Children’s Worship, they are always welcome to attend with their children.
Youth Group
Our monthly youth group, for middle and high school students, meets on the second Friday of the month at 6pm. This gathering is a time for fun, fellowship, service, and food! We meet at the church, and some of our service and fellowship activities involve outings into the neighbourhood and city. For more information, speak with any of our youth group leaders–the Rev. Adam Yates, Michelle Moonsammy, or David Searl at church, or contact the church office.
Special Programs & Events
Throughout the year, we offer special programs for children and youth specifically designed to help them engage and explore in their faith and spirituality. From cedar weaving and Advent wreath workshops, to Easter rock hunts and Christmas Eve around the nativity, there is always something coming up for the youngest members of our community. Watch our website for upcoming programs and make sure that you are signed up for our children’s programming mailing list by emailing the church office at office@stfaiths.ca.