Parish Life

Fellowship at St. Faith’s is a vital part of our life together. We are intentional about making time to be together as a community, to support one another, to pray together, and to learn. From weekly gatherings and special events to one-on-one visits from our clergy, there is always an opportunity to engage in our common life together.
Coffee Hour
Following our 10am service on Sunday, we share coffee and light refreshments downstairs in our parish hall. Please join us for conversation and treats!
Christmas Bazaar
It’s a St. Faith’s tradition every Advent! Join us following worship in the parish hall for a great selection of gift items, baked goods just in time for the holidays, and our famous, homemade mincemeat. Watch for the announcement of this year’s Christmas Bazaar. All funds raised from this event go to support local non-profits.
Stewardship Lunches & Dinners
Every year, members of our community volunteer to host a lunch or dinner at their homes or a favourite restaurant. These meals are intended to help build connections and relationships within the community, strengthening the bonds that bind us together, and are a part of our broader thinking of stewardship, which includes carrying for the life and relationships that define who we are at St. Faith’s.