Breaking the Silence: Cedar Rattle Weaving

Join Haida cedar weaver, Giihlgiigaa (Todd Devries) and learn about the significance of cedar for many Indigenous people, its uses, and the wisdom we can learn from it as you weave your own cedar rattle. These cedar rattles both symbolically and literally help break the silence that has been forced on Indigenous people for so long, drawing attention to what has been hiding in plain sight. Part of Todd’s mandate as a Haida weaver is to teach the traditions and skills of cedar weaving and share the underlying messages and cultural values that go with the work. Through his unique blend of gentle instruction, storytelling, and conversation, participants will have an amazing opportunity to learn and grow.

We are limited to 20 participants, so be sure to register today! Every registrant will receive a kit, prepared by Todd, and instruction to complete cedar rattles. The workshop will last five hours, during which most people should be able to complete their rattles. Each kit costs $35, and through the financial support of our sponsors, all kits will be partially subsidized–you can select the amount of subsidy you need to be able to participate. Our desire is that everyone who wishes to participate, be able to without barrier.

This event is part of our year-long series, “Being a Good Ancestor.” You can learn more about past and upcoming programs on our website.

These workshops and programs are subsidized by the Diocese of New Westminster, St. Philip’s Anglican Church, St. Faith’s Anglican Church, and St. Hildegard’s Sanctuary. We strive to make each program accessible and affordable for all who wish to participate–any program fees go directly to material costs and honorariums for the artists and elders.

The event is finished.


15 Jul 2023


11:00 am - 4:00 pm

More Info

Register Now


St. Faith's Anglican Church
7284 Cypress St, Vancouver BC

2 thoughts on “Breaking the Silence: Cedar Rattle Weaving”

    1. Hi Carol, we’ll have some light snacks available, but if you want anything more substantial, then we recommend bringing a lunch.

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