Feast of Hildegard
Poetry Reading and Evening Service
Sunday, September 15
Poetry Reading and Workshop 3:00-4:30PM
Evening Worship 5:00-6:00PM
Refreshments featuring Hildegard’s “Cookies of Joy”
All are warmly invited to join in a celebration honouring the Feast of St. Hildegard on Sunday, September 15 from 3-6PM. Poetry Reading and Workshop 3:00-6:00PM.
From 3-4:30PM, we are delighted to welcome Susan McCaslin, poet, writer and educator. Susan will share with us poetry in conversation with the writings of Hildegard. This will be followed by a mini workshop where participants can explore their own poetic endeavors.
Following the poetry reading and workshop, attendees are welcome to stay for the evening worship program of St. Hildegard’s Sanctuary at 5pm, featuring the music of the Rev. Clare Morgan. Refreshments will follow the service and feature St. Hildegard’s Cookies of Joy.
Please RSVP for poetry reading so that we can plan accordingly.